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Embracing Aging and Thriving

Our goal is to help seniors live their best lives. For some, that means being active participants in programs like the Men’s and Women’s Groups and our many cultural events. We have a variety of social programs to engage seniors in our community through social contact, creative outlets, challenges, and more.  Currently all programs are virtual.

Explore the many programs you can join!  

Men’s and Women’s Groups

The Men’s and Women’s Groups are for people of retirement age who are looking for a meaningful social activity. The groups provide opportunities for learning, entertainment, and friendly interaction with others of a similar age. The groups sometimes meet separately and sometimes host joint programs. 

Typically the groups meet twice per month on Fridays from 10:30am - noon.  Watch for program details in our weekly newsletters or check our calendar

Women’s Book Club

This offshoot of the Women’s Group meets on the second Friday of each month at 10:30am. Book selection is broad and the club is facilitated by members. The Women’s Book Club is a great way to make new friends and connect with old friends while reading an eclectic selection of books.  

Check the calendar for dates!


Chaverim means friends in Hebrew. And friends are exactly who you can expect to meet when you attend a Chaverim program. Chaverim provides an opportunity for older adults to learn, share a meal, schmooze, and preserve their connection to the Jewish community.  Chaverim programs take place one Wednesday a month from 11am-1pm and is currently virtual.  When the program returns in person, the program will include lunch, and transportation will be available upon request.

Check the calendar for dates!

Schmooze and Nosh

A social program for older adults! Join us for refreshments, casual conversations, and stimulating activities in a friendly environment. This event occurs once a month. Check our calendar for more details and to RSVP!

Better Together - Intergenerational Program with the Lerner School

Participate in creative, interactive Torah study each month with Lerner School’s 5th grade.

This program is for Jewish older adults interested in gathering monthly with Lerner students. Program includes guest speakers, field trips, refreshments, and more! This program runs September through May. 

For more information and to participate, contact Jordana Brown at jbrown@jewishforgood.org or (919) 354-4924.

Aging and Thriving Annual Conference

Each spring we host our Aging and Thriving Conference. This free program features speakers and resources for older adults and their families. Learn and receive information about the options available for older adults in the area including housing facilities, transportation, social opportunities, and medical care. Past topics have included health care advocacy for older adults, staying safe and avoiding scams, and principles for thriving as you age.   

Canasta Club

Canasta, a card game in the rummy family, is always a blast to play with a group of people. We look forward to returning when health and safety allow!